KVA Engineering Completed Projects

KVA installed a dust collection system in eastern, WI. Included a backdraft damper and abort gate.

Large wood working plant needed a 35,000 CFM system for moulders and routers producing large wood chips. KVA ENGINEERING supplied and installed a highly successful high volume wood working dust collection system for this plant.

“During December 2007, KVA’s installation crew removed a large dust collection unit and completely moved the unit to the next building over. This included moving the large Steelcraft Dust Collector, 40 HP main fan and related components. KVA ENGINEERING guaranteed that the system would be removed on Friday and set back up and ready to process wood dust the following Monday morning. This involved attention to details and good coordination for all the parties involved. KVA ENGINEERING‘s installati

Bealka Casting, located in Wisconsin, has equipment that generates a large volumes of dust. Being a foundry, they have shot blasters, sand blasters, polishing equipment, sanders and grinders, all generating dust. They had dust collection, but it was inadequate to maintain a safe and healthy work environment for their employees. Bealka needed to upgrade their system and stay in their budget. KVA ENGINEERING had a solution. KVA was able to supply a used dust collector large enough to handle their

Custom cyclone design for wood grinding system. The cyclone was designed for large wood chips to be separated out. The exhaust off the top of the cyclone went down into an after filter section where the air was cleaned to 99.9% efficiency.

KVA installed a refurbished 30,000 cfm dust collection system at a large cabinet shop, summer of 2011.

KVA ENGINEERING completely installed a wood dust filter system for Young Blood Lumber in Minneapolis, MN. KVA did the complete install including demolishing a building and erecting a storage silo and a 20,000 CFM filter system. The system also included a silo unloader to semi-truck, spark detection system, and pneumatic conveying system.

KVA ENGINEERING supplied a 50,000 CFM used woodworking dust collection system to aspirate an entire plant. KVA ENGINEERING supplied and installed a complete system including automatic summer and winter dampers, spark detection system, and pneumatic take-away system.

Rubber trim dust collection system for manufacturer of boots and shoes. Rubber dust and chips are pulled into the cyclone system. The air is cleaned to 90% efficiency and returned back into the plant to a filter bag section to be cleaned to 99.9% efficiency and then the air is returned back to plant air.